Friday, November 30, 2007



We have to rethink and evaluate our frequency of making roti canai and nasi lemak!!! We need to keep ourself healthy like Prof Ungku Aziz. What else can we eat ? Let's get Arip to produce pau and karipap !!!! Or just eat the lempeng and nasi goreng everyday as prepared by the local chef maaa.....

Please click at the photo to read the details. This article was sent by M Amin.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Another excellent achievement by PETRONAS

Salam buat sahabat semua dari Saudara Mohd Zahid Abu Bakar, Turkmenistan.

Musim sejuk telah bermula dan suhu semakin rendah. Gambar ini saya kirimkan untuk dikongsi bersama rakan-rakan yang bertungkus lumus untuk mengharumkan nama Petronas diseluruh dunia. Satu lagi pencapaian anak-anak MELAYU di kampungan pasir. Drilling platform ini adalah yang pertama dibina di Laut Caspian.

Walaupun perkampungan pasir, disini terdapat banyak pusat Islam terutama di musim panas. Bila winter season pusat Islam tutup. hee..heee

"Another excellent achievement by Petronas"


Note: Tahniah kami ucapkan kepada team di Turkmenistan.Tuan Zahid, boleh tolong cerita lebih mendalam tentang rahsia kejayaan team Tuan di sana. Cerita juga tentang pusat islam.

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Sunday, November 25, 2007

Saturday, November 24, 2007







Tuan Amin exploring the underwater world at Arous Beach, Sudan.


Tuan Amin and the MT free divers were diving at Arous Beach on the 23 Nov, 07. See the action movie!!! You will love it!!!

Thursday, November 22, 2007

The Ultimate Red Sea Diving Experience

You may want to evaluate the diving locations and make up your mind.

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Sahabat-sahabat semua,
Please read what others say about diving at Red Sea along Sudan southern coastline. Scary maaaa !!! Got shark and hammerhead maaa!!!! Anyhow, the grey shark is called "stupid shark" by some. These are comments made by some divers based on their experiences. Don't ask me where are the locations. I have to do some searching.

Sha'ab Rumi South, Sudan
Rating: 5 stars

A narrow plateau starting at 20 Metres stretches out for 50-75 m then drops off at 40 m. It drops to 600 m on all sides. Lots of grey reef sharks, hammerheads are usually there, silvertips and sometimes silky sharks. I have had several manta encounters and the coral as well as the fish life is extraordinary with schools of barracuda and trevally.
Christian Karlsson
Best place for hammerheads in the red sea. During one dive I had almost 50 in front of me. There are also lots of grey and whitetip reef sharks and thousand of barracudas at very close range. Best season for hammerheads is from November till April.
Vladimir Guberinic
The best dive place on the planet. Great visibility (20-30 m), great corals, scalloped hammerheads (once even more than 60! in a group), grey reef sharks, white tip reef sharks, napoleon fish, groups of bumphead parrot fish, etc. on the plateau also sits Jacques Cousteau's shark observation cage. Amazing dive site!!!
Miha, 2007
Fantastic preserved coral reef drops onto a flat outcrop around 23 m - there is a Grey Reef Shark cleaning Station - you can lie in the sand and watch them. The reef then slopes to the depths - 700m+. Schooling Hammerheads. If you want to be surrounded with at least 3 species of shark this is the place - the coral itself is world class on its own - great dive.
Richard Rigby, 2007

Wreck of the Umbria, Sudan

On the first dive this huge shipwreck swept away the memories of Thistlegorm and the other Red Sea wrecks. It's a spooky castle covered by corals loaded with 36000 aircraft bombs, cars, wine bottles and so on. The site is visited by mata rays, whale sharks and, at night, tiger sharks. You'll probably be alone on the wreck due to the small numbers of divers visiting the country.
Cristian Magnani
My absolutely favourite wreck. In my opinion it's much better than Thistlegorm. It's because there are just 10-12 liveaboards in Sudan and if you are diving here you can be sure that you'll be alone. As there are not so many divers the ship wreck is in much better condition
Martins, Latvia, 2007

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The video describes transfer of technology and know how in making "karipap". It is not easy maaa..... This is a fast track training programme. It requires deep concentration and determination.


Ahmad Bee tersenyum lebar hingga ke telinga pada malam 21 November, 07. Malam itu merupakan malam bersejarah dalam hidup beliau sebagai nelayan pantai. Setelah menanti sekian lama, dengan izin Allah, umpan beliau di makan oleh dua ekor ikan seperti di dalam gambar ini. Beliau juga sangat gembira menceritakan saat-saat cemas dan debaran ketika menarik ikan itu ke darat, itulah perasaan yang orang bukan "kaki pancing" tidak dapat merasainya.
Meraikan kejayaan sahabat ini, Tuan Arif dan Tuan Roslan menyediakan santapan malam dengan karipap. Enak sungguh beb........Sambil menonton England dibelasah Crotia.....
Tuan Ahmad Bee nak ceritakan saat gembira ini, sila taip diruangan komen. Jangan segan-segan...pulak. Fadhal.....

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Monday, November 19, 2007


Sambungan al kisah sebelum ini, sahabat kita telah menyediakan ramuan ikan goreng special. Rahsia-rahsia kesedapannya terdapat pada jari-jarinya. Kedua-dua belah tangan digunakan untuk meratakan ramuan "secret recepi" !!! Nasib baiklah sahabat, kalau di restoran Malaysia, kami cari restoran makan lain !!!

Walau bagaimana pun, berbanyak terima kasih di atas usaha Tuan. Sedap sungguh ikan segar tu.... dan ramuannya.... Jangan lupa mai sini dan goreng lagi tau!!! Kalau boleh Hari Raya Kurban nanti!!!


Sahabat karib ini baru pulang dari memancing ikan. Jam menunjukkan 11 malam. Disebabkan kasih nya dia kepada sahabat yang lain, dia sanggup menyiang ikan pancingannya dan terus mengoreng. Sahabat-sahabat lain semua terhutang budi kerana dapat menjamu selera dengan ikan segar jam 12 tengah malam. Semuga Allah mencurahkan rezeki yang melimpah-limpah kepada Tuan Zamzani. Itulah sahabat sejati yang tidak sanggup melihat sahabat lain kelaparan sebelum tidur.

Kena pulak teh tarik Shahrun..... Umhh....Tak lena tidur brother!!!

Lebah jantan bisa sengatnya tetapi penawarnya lebih banyak.....


The video clip shows how "budu" changes someone appetite from small to extremely large. The most significant is how "budu" penetrating into a diverse culture in Sudan.


In the opinion of Prof. Hurgronje "the league of nations founded by prophet of Islam put the principle of international unity of human brotherhood on such Universal foundations as to show candle to other nations." In the words of same Professor "the fact is that no nation of the world can show a parallel to what Islam has done the realization of the idea of the League of Nations."

The prophet of Islam brought the reign of democracy in its best form. The Caliph Ali and the son in-law of the prophet, the Caliph Mansur, Abbas, the son of Caliph Mamun and many other caliphs and kings had to appear before the judge as ordinary men in Islamic courts. Even today we all know how the black Negroes were treated by the civilized white races. Consider the state of BILAL, a Negro Slave, in the days of the prophet of Islam nearly 14 centuries ago. The office of calling Muslims to prayer was considered to be of status in the early days of Islam and it was offered to this Negro slave. After the conquest of Mecca, the Prophet ordered him to call for prayer and the Negro slave, with his black color and his thick lips, stood over the roof of the holy mosque at Mecca called the Ka'ba the most historic and the holiest mosque in the Islamic world, when some proud Arabs painfully cried loud, "Oh, this black Negro Slave, woe be to him. He stands on the roof of holy Ka'ba to call for prayer." At that moment, the prophet announced to the world, this verse of the holy QURAN for the first time.

"O mankind, surely we have created you, families and tribes, so you may know one another.Surely, the most honorable of you with God is MOST RIGHTEOUS AMONG you. Surely, God is Knowing, Aware."

And these words of the holy Quran created such a mighty transformation that the Caliph of Islam, the purest of Arabs by birth, offered their daughter in marriage to this Negro Slave, and whenever, the second Caliph of Islam, known to history as Umar the great, the commander of faithful, saw this Negro slave, he immediately stood in reverence and welcomed him by "Here come our master; Here come our lord." What a tremendous change was brought by Quran in the Arabs, the proudest people at that time on the earth. This is the reason why Goethe, the greatest of German poets, speaking about the Holy Quran declared that, "This book will go on exercising through all ages a most potent influence." This is also the reason why George Bernard Shaw says, "If any religion has a chance or ruling over England, say, Europe, within the next 100 years, it is Islam".


Sometimes in life we find ourselves at a crossroads; a place of decision, a place of testing, a place in which we do not know which way to turn. When we come to that place, what do we do? Do we toss a coin? Do we rely on others for the answer? Do we do nothing and just fall out in the middle of the road? The answer of course is none of the above.

When we find ourselves at that place, that is the time to draw within and seek that small still voice for the answer. In that voice we will find direction based on purpose.

I'm sure you've heard the term "follow the money", well in times of decision that term may not always apply. Following the money, may end up leading you down the road that is ultimately a dead end.Then there are some who might decide to take the road which looks easiest to navigate; the path of least resistance.While that road is smoother to travel, it may just end up being the scenic route and take you quite some time to get to where you want to go.

The road to take, is the one that leads you directly to your purpose. In order to recognize this road in your minds eye, you will need to take an honest look at yourself and determine just exactly who you are. That's the hard part.

Lets be real, sometimes we like to lie to ourselves. We try and convince ourselves that we are who our parents want us to be or who our spouses desire for us to be. At times we even try to be the person who we think everyone will like. In reality, who we are can only be defined by our Creator. Once we tap into that force, then and only then will we know who we are. It is in that moment; the moment that we decide based on purpose and true passion that the choice becomes easy.

Just a word of warning. Once you are on the right road, expect a few curves, even a possible flat tire. But there is one thing you can be sure of. This road will lead you to your expected end. When you arrive, even if you are tired and worn out you will know that without a doubt, it was worth it.

Note: To all of our friend that are going to perform Haj soon, we wish you safe journey and attaining Haj Mabrur. InsyaAllah.


Lately, we have seen stiff and positive competition among Tuan Haji Roslan, Tuan Arif dan Tuan Ahmad Bee to produce the best "roti canai" and donut. The customer like us ("tukang makan") will be benefiting the most. Alhamdulillah!!!

This video shows how difficult it is to prepare soft and smooth donut dough. Tuan Haji Roslan has to stand up to ensure maximum force is exerted on the dough.The team should appreciate this sahabat who take all the effort and energy to produce the food. Tuan, "Boleh jadi tukang urut" when you retire in the future. You may consider changing your profession soon!

Anyhow, the donuts were marvellous, soft and "lemak". "Terima kasih daun keladi, jangan tak buat lagi!!!"

JUMAAT 16 NOV 07 (6)

Video ini mengambarkan penyelam tiram dan pemancing yang pulang ke pantai setelah berjalan hampir 300m dari hujung "coral reef". Nampaknya ada sebuntil tiram untuk hidangan istimewa malam ini.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

JUMAAT 16 NOV 07 (5)

Apalah yang diketawakan oleh mereka semua sehinggakan Tuan Jaha mengaru kepala. Suara latar mereka terpaksa ditapis kerana tidak bersesuaian untuk pendengaran umum. Tanyalah mereka apa yang dibincangkan atau baca "body language" mereka.

Donut ini telah diuli oleh Tuan Yang Arif pada waktu malam dan di bentukkan serta digoreng oleh mereka bertiga (Jaha, Zack dan Arif) pada pagi hari Jumaat, 16 Nov, 07. Lembut dan sedap umh.... Terima kasih daun keladi, kalau rajin buat lah lagi!

JUMAAT 16 NOV 07 (4)

Tuan-tuan ini dengan bangganya bergambar bersama oyster yang telah dikumpulkan dengan cara menyelam di dasar laut. Depa dengan Tuan Roslan adalah pakar selam kita. Tarak guna diving gas looooo... Ini macam gua tabik lah. Seperti penyelam mutiara di Dubai zaman lampau.....

JUMAAT 16 NOV 07 (3)

Inilah ikan yang dipancing Tuan Shahrun. Tiger fish kot namanya!!!

Kenapa Tuan pejam mata dalam semua gambar? Sengaja atau shutter speed camera ni laju sangat?

JUMAAT 16 NOV 07 (2)

Kenapalah memancing di air cetek? Kata perpatah Melayu, "Kalau takutkan gelombang, jangan bermain di tepi pantai".
Tuan Shahrun teramat kecewa setelah beberapa ekor pari yang dijumpai melarikan diri sepantas kilat. Amat sukar untuk menombak pari rupanya!!! Untuk tidak mengecewakan diri sendiri, beliau telah memancing ikan di air cetek. Beberapa kali umpan beliau hilang tetapi akhirnya berhasil dengan tangkapan. Sila rujuk kepada posting selepas ini.

JUMAAT 16 NOV 07 (1)

We went to explore a beach approximately 3 km North to the Bashayer 1 Marine Terminal. This way, we have excused our self from lying on the soft bed and wondering after the weekly Friday prayer.

The desire to explore new territory and look for oyster and pari made these gentlemen left the camp during the weekend. Some wearing red and yellow color shirts, make everybody assuming that they are the "bersih" team. For sure they were intended to clean up the coral beach leaving with no traces of oyster on the seabed.


Our ancestors used to eat rice, tapioca, sweat potatoes, vegetables, fish and tropical fruit. Over the years, migration of foreigners and trade had influenced what the Malaysian eat daily. Food likes mee hailam, mee goreng mamak, chicken rice, char keow teau, putu mayam, roti canai, tosse, burger, roti john, spaghetti, pizza, KFC, nasi goreng USA, rojak Singapore, sushi, donut, tomyam, baryani, terubuk Bangladesh and others are increasingly becoming popular delicasies. Resulting from the changes in diet, Malaysian common body figure has changed from skinny S size to XXXL.

Seafood is not a common dish in the Middle East and African continents. Let alone by product of seafood like "budu". Do you believe that "budu" is able to cross this cultural barriers? If you don't, you may be wrong. With the influx of Malaysians into Sudan because of the booming oil industry, "budu" is making the way to the people in Sudan. After several preliminary research and survey, we believe "budu" is able to be one of major items on the shelf of supermarket in Khartoum, Port Sudan and other big cities.

The attached photo was recorded at Kg. Pasir Berdenggung. Abdallah (his real name and he is not an actor) has eaten many bottles of "budu" with green chili and onion. He is now considered himself half Malaysian and looking forward to make Malaysia as his second home. I believe he is suitable to live in the East Cost of Peninsular Malaysia. Good for the "Mek Kelante!!!"

Hamizang needs to top up the "budu" supply. The current supply is depleting faster that you have imagine earlier!!! I guess you have to learn how to drink "budu" ! "Malulah kak mak Sudang ni..."

Thursday, November 15, 2007


Tuan Jaha menerangkan secara terperinci cara membungkus inti pau dengan tepung yang telah di uli bersama yeast dan perap semalaman. Pastikan anda belajar dengan teliti dan teruskan usaha membina insan cemerlang dan serba boleh untuk "survival" di Kg. Pasir Berdenggung. Pembaca blog dibawah umur dilarang mencuba aksi yang merbahaya ini. Ini adalah aksi yang real!!!


Sejak depa berdua ni tak ada, galley kita ni sunyi. Dulu kalau sedang tidur, kita didendangkan lagu-lagu 60 an, sole dan hard rock. Depa ni serba boleh nooohhhh..... Sekarang tinggal lebah dengan Ahmad Bee aje... Itupun dah gila memancing dengan uli roti canai (exercise meramas lah tu!!!)

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Gelanggang yang telah lama sunyi kembali riuh. Ombak yang besar dan tangkapan ikan yang kurang memaksa nelayan-nelayan pantai berehat seketika. Waktu petang bermula dari jam 5 adalah waktu mereka beriadah dan bermain sepak takraw.
Tapak gelanggang ini mempunyai sejarahnya tersendiri. Di sekeliling gelanggang ini terukir nama-nama sahabat yang pernah berjuang di tanah gersang ini, ada yang tewas dan ada yang telah pulang dengan harta tawanan perang dan ada yang tinggal menghadapi "cold war".


Keadaan cuaca yang masih panas memaksa ular berbisa berkeliaran mencari tempat berteduh. Minggu ini saje, dua ekor ular telah terserampak dengan manusia dan dibunuh. Alhamdulillah, tahun ini belum ada kes sahabat yang dipatuk ular. Kita sama-sama berdoa memohon perlindungan dari Allah. Amin. Mungkin sejak banyak masakan di galley, bau-bauan masakan dalca, pau dan roti canai mengundang sang ular ke dalam kem!!!


Video ini menunjukkan cara-cara mengoreng roti canai. Suara latar oleh Tuan Arip. Kuning.... tetap kuning brother.... Jika ingin mengikuti kursus menguli, menebar dan mengoreng roti canai, sila hubungi samada Tuan Roslan, Ahmad Bee dan Arip di Kg Pasir Berdenggung. Chef One Tuan Zack masih berada di sini untuk beberapa hari saje lagi. Jangan lepaskan peluang keemasan ini.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


Have an awesome day and know that someone who thinks you are great has thought about you today.

Tuan Zulkifli Inar, the man of understanding. Standing in front of the "perhentian van sapu" at Port Sudan. What a marvellous location!!!


Sempoi tu!!! Ini lah gambar isi pau yang dibuat dari kari kentang dan daging kharuf. Yummi yummi, sedap tu.... Selain dari sarapan kuih pau, kami dan nelayan telah dihidangkan dengan nasi goreng special dan roti canai. Apa angin nya hari ni, terlampau banyak sangat makanan. Sedang bersemangat dan rajin lah tu, harap-harap biarlah konsisten kerajinan nya tu. Rasanya satu menu satu hari kan bagus, kan ada 365 hari satu tahun!!! Esok nak masak apa pulak???


Inilah rupa pau montok yang siap dikukus keesokan pagi nya. Boleh lulus kah?


Seorang lagi jurulatih penyediaan makanan kita (kiri) menunjuk ajar Tuan Haji Roslan cara-cara menyediakan alas pau. Al maklum lah, ceritanya daun pisang tidak wujud di padang pasir ini. Kertas xerox pun jadilah....
Apa yang lebah jantan sedang lakukan di belakang tu!!!


Gambar ini dirakamkan pada jam 10:36 malam, 12 November, 07 setelah dua orang pelajar (kiri) penat menguli ramuan tepung dan yeast untuk membuat pau. Chef One yang berbaju biru tidak sempat mandi dan bertukar pakaian setelah pulang dari bertugas telah diheret ke galley untuk mencurahkan ilmu dan mengawal selia kualiti. Memang nampak sungguh kepenatan di wajah mereka bertiga!!! Dengan berbajukan T-shirt Pagoda, keterampilan sebagai tukang uli memang terserlah.

Demi ilmu penyediaan makanan dan niat untuk berbakti kepada masyarakat nelayan, mereka sanggup bercengkang mata untuk memastikan nelayan-nelayan dan sahabat lain menikmati sarapan yang berbeza keesokkan hari nya. Alhamdulillah!!! Selalulah rajin-rajin macam ini....

Sunday, November 11, 2007


Whenever we ate "asam pedas ikan pari", we were always thinking of our old friend "pari killer". The legend is unchallenged so far and nobody is able to take over his past role and speciality. He is liked the late Tan Sri P Ramlee. "Di Mana Kan Ku Cari Ganti, Yang Serupa Dengan Mu..."

Among those children, I am not sure who will get his batten. Hopefully all of them !!!

Tuan Ariffin, thank you very much for coming to my small and old house. You have shown a good example of "mithali" young couple. The wife was looking after the children while the husband having his lunch and vice versa. MasyaAllah.
I was honoured to meet your son who said "Ayah, baliklah, kan kita dah kaya". Yes indeed, he really looked like a son of a millionaire father to me.


This is a photo of our friend (Tuan Johari Ariffin) who used to work together with us at Kg Pasir Berdenggung, Port Sudan. The two handsome boys are his lovely sons. They are also my very closed neighbour. Joe, thank you very much for coming. While I am stucked at Port Sudan, you can count on me to deliver you Sudan honey at your door steps!!! Free delivery maaaa.....


My French neighbour and friends. The guy standing on the right is from Iceland.