Sunday, September 2, 2007


These gentlemen were trying to improve their Arabic language. Therefore, they went to learn the "bahasa pasar" first with the hope they could go the Level one Arabic Language course later. They were like "itek dan ayam" maaa... Ahad, Isnain, Salasa, Arbaa, Hamsah were all that they knew. I guess the fish seller is an honest man. They have to use all part of the body to communicate including the legs. They were like "OKU".

They are serious, I guess they want to prepare for the night "ikan bakar" session. I just prepare my "perut" only. Joe, did you ever go to the wet market in Shah Alam. Make sure your wife does not see this photo. If she does, she will say "Oh Abang, kat rumah tak nak tolong saya pun ya, kat Sudan boleh pulak". Fail brother.....

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