Thursday, September 6, 2007


Typical salad at the galley. The green color vegi is called "jil-jil". Am I pronouce it right? Can someone tell everybody the significant of this vegi to a man health? Normally I see Zul Inar eat a lot of this vegi before flying home. He should know the secret maaa......


ahmad bajuri said...

'Fresh is Best'
This fresh veggie have essential vitamins and minerals, rich in micronutrients and phytochemicals...more or less like our 'daun tenggek burung' campur khasiat vinegar.
For sure, its rewards your own personal health and long, live strong, and live happy!
Furthermore, locals says its good for ?THAT? too....entah lah, belum cuba lagi...

MrFlapjack said...

jil jil ni cuma di hidangkan bila Sifu Zul ada jer,,, kalau dia tak dak....they don't bother to serve us.....mana achiiiiiiiiiiii??????