Saturday, September 1, 2007


Do you still remember Tuan Shukri? He has the ability to speak Mandarin, English, Arabic and of course Loghat Kedah. One time, he was the interpreter for the client when the Chinese workers strike/demonstrating at site. So the workers employer can't "kelentong" the client maaa...
On the Hari Raya evening, 3rd Nov, 2005, he and Mail Gunung quietly went to the nomad village at the desert near the site. May be they intended to "cuci mata" and that's the reason why they didn't tell anybody else.
Tuan Shukri left us earlier using the magic carpet he bought from the nomad (the blue colour carpet on the left). We never heard of him since then. The latest intelligence report that we have, he was looking after a large palm plantation in Indonesia. I guess he married with an Indonesian.
We should be proud to be with millionaires friends. We are expecting these millionaires to help the needy like us. We also want to be like them and anciously waiting them to share the success tips. Where is the "payung concept" that has been "war warkan" by the government. The country wealth is not fairly distributed.
I am monitoring one of our friends who is expanding his bakery business near Shah Alam or Subang. I heard him and wife are doing very well. InsyaAllah. "Tumpang gembira" and we hope to get some cakes and Hari Raya cookies when he comes back to Kg Pasir Berdengung, if his escape plan fails maa.....

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