Sunday, September 9, 2007


These were the VIPs that representing the rest of us whom not able to celebrate the MT opening ceremony in July 2007. They were sweating inside the red tent under hot summer sun!!!! "Guys, where are our T-Shirt and caps??? Dont' keep to yourself maaa....."


ahmad bajuri said...

Hey guys, seronok sakan nampak...PakYa tu, nape x bukan glass dia, ngantuk ke ??

Unknown said...

Team kita ni adalah runner dibelakang tabir. Jadi tak usah harap apa2 le. Mau baju kalu.....
Beli le sendiri.........
Tong sampah betul!

Ahmad M Hashim said...

Saboo Ipin. Bawak bertenang. Kau kene accept "cultural diversity" antara dua benua yang berbeza.Terimalah adanye.