Sunday, September 9, 2007


Pak Yah dengan Ahmad Nizam, perisai tu dibuat dari ape??? Nampak macam kulit aje. Mesti ada something yang menarik Tuan-Tuan untuk bergambar dengan pemuda tu!!! Tak takut dengan pedang.....??


ahmad bajuri said...

This "Two BoroiGuys" group has reached new heights of success - at the top of a prestigious pop music chart, here in negeri "Sudang BerDenggung". The duo's newly released album, landed on this week's Billboard Hot 100 Sales chart. According to "OGP Billboard Committee" khartoum, the tracks, "Ayam-NO-Kambing-Beg" and "Take It Easy (Hujung-Bulan-Pegi)," moved to No. 1 and No. 2, respectively...
And Now, as songs called "Hey Dude, Pls Go Home!!!" and "Leh Bla, No More Required" are in the making…

Unknown said...

This photo are short listed to salam perantauan this year!
Pertembungan superstar dari dua benua, Steady Nizam Spider and Pak Ya Amuk! Wa saspek sama Lu!!!!!!!!