Saturday, September 1, 2007


This is not the "Bersamamu" program produce by TV 3 nor MERCY tour in Sudan. This guy is not a reporter either. So, who is this handsome guy? His name is Joe. One of our beloved comrades who left us for a reason. He did marvellous job in ensuring the bloody CON..... delivers the construction items in timely manner. He also went to several places in Europe with Ripin to expedite things. Look at his right hand, he never free his finger from cigarettes. He is very supportive to the tobacco industry so that the poor farmer didn't loose their job.

The photo was taken during the first day of Eid Adha at one of the nomad village nearby. We were there slaughtering "kharuf" for the poor. Actually, we supplied the "kharuf" and the poor slaughtered themselves. Guys, we need to be brave enough to slaughter maa... We are matured enough. I felt like I was a tourist at that time. Cultural shocklah...

I heard that he is travelling back and forth to Indonesia working for a gas compression project. Good luck my good friend and neighbour. Have you ordered the new GTI boat?

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