Saturday, January 5, 2008




Tuesday, January 1, 2008


For the past two years, I didn't have the opportunity nor strong desire to witness Sudan Independence Day and New Year celebrations at Port Sudan. Yesterday, I made a commitment to see with my own eyes the much talk about yearly event in front of the Hilton Hotel.

The fishermen took a time off from night fishing and we left the resort at 10pm. Upon reaching the city center, we observed that the main road facing the port was closed to traffic and city dwellers occupying the full width of the road and sidewalks. It was estimated no less than fifty thousand city folks came out from their homes with new and bright color, traditional and modern dresses. They seemed to enjoy the night and looking forward for holiday on the 1st January, 2008.

Approximately 2km of the main road was packed with city dwellers from all walk of life. We were facing difficulty to walk through the crowd but to bare with the once in a life time experience. We did observe minimal business activity with non-existence of free entertainment using tax payers money. There were few private parties and entertainment conducted by clubs like SPC (Sudan Port Corporation) and International Club. The large crowd consisted mainly families that sat/lying along the sidewalks and sea front (like Danai Bay), eating and watching the passers by. I had a believe that the main reason they were at the location because of showing gratitude to the country independence while enjoying the cool night. The crowd started dispersing before midnight and we didn't observe fireworks, nor hearing any artillery shot or car hon immediately we entered the year 2008.

We left the city 10 minutes passed the midnight and the traffic flow was smooth.


After 5 pm yesterday evening, we went to explore the prawn and salt industries immediately South of Bashayer 2 Marine Resort as part of our last expedition of year 2007. Unfortunately, the prawn farm was closed for visitor after 3 pm and therefore we were unable to get into the farm. We went to the salt farm next to the prawn farm and looked at the salt production. To our amazement, the type of salt produced at the location very much different from the cooking salt. We observed the color was slightly pink and the size of the texture was extraordinaryly large. We will further study the salt, the production and purpose. For the time being, we let you enjoy viewing the photos taken at the site.